Ann Arbor News - People's Food Co-Op Reopens Café

Monday, July 31: People's Food Co-Op reopens café, State Theatre loses out on Barbenheimer, Harbaugh's possible suspension, tart cherry production, and bald eagle population


Morning, Ann Arbor! I apologize for immediately nerding-out in your inbox, but I’ve lately been fascinated by this dashboard that tracks the water height of the Huron River.

You didn’t ask, but now you can measure local rainfall’s impact on the river (last week’s storm caused the river to rise 1.5 feet in 30 minutes - crazy).

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☕️ Café Reopening: After a 3-year pandemic-induced hiatus, the People’s Food Co-Op in Kerrytown has reopened their café. While the community-owned grocery store reopened its popular hot bar in November of 2022, the café opened this month for the first time since March of 2020. The café will be open on weekdays from 8 am - 2 pm.

🎥 Barbenheimer: An unexpected DTE power outage on the opening weekend of “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” (unrelated to this week’s storm outage) cost the State Theatre an estimated $30,000 in ticket refunds and lost concessions sales. The theatre does not expect any compensation from DTE.

🏈 Harbaugh Suspension: While not official, sources believe Coach Jim Harbaugh will be receiving a 4-game suspension from the NCAA to start the upcoming season. The harsh penalty is the result of the NCAA believing Harbaugh and his staff were dishonest with investigators as they looked into minor recruiting violations. Harbaugh has stated he never meant to be dishonest and that he merely did not recall the events in question when he originally met with investigators.

😷 Covid-19: According to a new report, Washtenaw County had the lowest death rate in the state during the Covid-19 pandemic. From March 2020 to February 2023, the county lost 642 residents to the virus. If the county’s death rate was equal to the state’s death rate, 1,273 residents would have passed away.

🎸 Thursday’s Sonic Lunch: Husbands



🍒 Cherry Production: Despite traditionally producing 70% of the country’s tart cherries, Michigan farmers are expected to harvest only 108 million pounds of tart cherries this year (in 2018 the state harvested 201 million pounds). Farmers blame the low harvest numbers on fluctuating summer weather conditions and a steady drop in demand for tart cherries.

🍻 Big House Drinks: A bipartisan-supported Senate bill that would allow public universities to sell alcohol at college sporting events an hour before the game and 30 minutes after has been signed into law. Historically, MSU and U of M are two of only three Big Ten schools that didn’t sell alcohol at college sporting events.

🦅 Bald Eagle Population: Thanks to decades of research by environmental scientists, Michigan’s bald eagle population is thriving. After bottoming out in 1961 with only 52 breeding pairs of bald eagles in Michigan, the state now boasts over 900 breeding pairs of bald eagles.


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That's all for now! Have a great week in Tree Town!
- Andrew

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P. P. P. S. - Two local Panera Breads have moved to nearby locations with drive-thrus (3611 Plymouth Rd and 140 S. Zeeb Rd)